martes, 13 de mayo de 2008

The Volunteers EuroGames 2008 Barcelona were in Operation Triumph 2008

Hi volunteers:

On May 13, a large group of volunteers, perhaps the most ever together,
attended the live presentation of Operación Triunfo 2008 and to see the
all the contestants of the academy, the hot Jesús Vázquez, the
not-so-mean Risto, the attractive Alejandro Fernández and of course the
always fabulous Mónica Naranjo.

After waiting in a long line, we were able to leave some gifts for the
contestants so they would always remember us, although we’ll never know
if they really received them, and then we entered the Gestmusic complex.
The gave us all instructions that photos are prohibited, cell phones are
prohibited, explaining the image rights of the contestants...if you take
photos you are stealing their image and they will discretely throw you
out of the event, etc etc...

Then a sandwich, french fries and a small bottle of water as a snack
taken on the grass. It was like a picnic but with 1000 other people and
a line to get the bathrooms that makes you laugh and think of the days of
food rationing.

Too excited to complain, finally we entered the studio and the magic
began. It was unreal. Despite the number of times you see it on
television, when you are there you still can’t believe it. Everyone
enjoyed it a great deal, booing, applauding, listening to the contestants
sing, who by the way, don’t sing out of tune as much as they say.

And at the thrilling end, the nominations and the best comments by Risto.

The EuroGames Barcelona 2008 Volunteer Team

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