sábado, 10 de mayo de 2008

Exit 10 and May 11 at the hostel "Santa Maria del Mar" in Coma-ruga.

On the weekend of May 10th–11th, 2008, a group of Eurogames volunteers made our way to the Santa Maria del Mar Youth Hostel (in Coma-Ruga, Tarragona) for a few days of fun.

We were looking forward to spending sunbathing and hanging out on the beach, but rain spoiled our plans. Far from letting the weather ruin our mood, we took advantage of the time to play cards and deepen our friendships.

In the afternoon we took our “umbrellas” for a stroll in the rain, and then stopped by La Jijonenca for a hot chocolate. At night we popped in one of the bars of the local gay scene –or at least, it became a gay bar when we got there! After a few drinks and “exotic” dances, we headed back to the hostel to go to sleep, just like good little boys should.

After Saturday Night Fever’s soundtrack (snores and other strange noises, LOL) we woke up to the beautiful sunshine: a perfect day for a trip. We visited a nice seaside town nearby, Roc de Sant Gaietà, and then returned to the hostel to eat and recap the weekend’s exploits. Finally, we grabbed our bags, hopped on the train and had a gay old time on the trip back to Barcelona.

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